What is causality
What is causality

what is causality what is causality

They are necessary events that take place in things.īy virtue of unity of the world, each phenomenon depends to some extent on some other phenomena. Cause and action (effect) are not things. Randomness in realization of any cause (Suppes, 1970). Necessity shows itself through accidents, that's why always there is a moment of The following definition is in the basis of this formula: the cause is such a phenomenon p which generates with necessity other phenomenon q, i.e. The formula "if p, then q" usually expresses the principle of causality. The idea of causality, possibly, has occurred from supervision over actions of people on creation and change of things, and then it has been extrapolated on all space (the world order) and has got universal sense. this pair indicates the specific influence of some base on its substantiation (Pivovarov, 2003, 108). Keywords: the idea of causality, cause and effect, teleonomic cause, indeterminism, monocausalism, conditionalism, reverse connection in unbalanced system, effectiveness, the principle of determinism, the non-deterministic tendency.Ĭause and effect - the pair philosophical categories which together express one of the moments of general interaction, genetic communication of phenomena, i.e. The author's analysis proves that the principle of determinism must not be reduced to the idea of causality. The principle of determinism is specified and expanded. Causality is interpreted as a special case of effectiveness, and effectiveness is defined as the essential attitude of changes on an output of nonequilibrium system to changes on its input. The study shows the difference between the doctrines of monocausalism and conditionalism.

what is causality

The notions of material causality and teleonomic causality are compared. The author describes his conception of the relationship of such philosophical concepts as causality, effectiveness and determinism. Received, received in revised form, accepted Yeltsin 51 Lenina, Ekaterinburg, 620083 Russia

What is causality