Pitot tubes on aircraft commonly have heating elements to prevent the tube from becoming clogged with ice. The failure of these systems has catastrophic consequences, like in the case of Austral Líneas Aéreas Flight 2553. In industry the velocities being measured are those flowing in ducts or tubing where measurements by an anemometer would be difficult to obtain.

In these kinds of measurements, the most practical instrument to use is the Pitot tube. :Volume Flow Rate (cubic feet per minute) = Duct Area (square feet) × Velocity (feet per minute) :Volume Flow Rate (cubic meters per second) = Duct Area (square meters) × Velocity (meters per second) The quantity of air flowing through the duct each minute can then be estimated from: The Pitot tube can be inserted through a small hole in the duct with the Pitot connected to a U-tube water gauge or some other differential pressure gauge for determining the velocity inside the duct. In aviation air speed is typically measured in knots. (Ed.)|title=Mechanics of Flight|edition=10th edition|origyear=1972|year=1996|publisher=Prentice Hall|id=ISBN 0-8|pages=63-67 * cite book|last=Kermode|first=A.C.|others=Barnard, R.H. * cite book|last=Pratt|first=Jeremy M.|edition=3rd edition|title=The Private Pilot's Licence Course: Principles of Flight, Aircraft General Knowledge, Flight Performance and Planning|origyear=1997|year=2005|id=ISBN 1-87|pages=gen108-gen111 * cite book|author=Tietjens, O.G.|title=Applied Hudro- and Aeromechanics, based on lectures of L. Prandtl, Ph.D| publisher=Dove Publications, Inc. Pitot Tube - Tube de Pitot Tube de Pitot Le tube de Pitot et l antenne de Prandtl sont des systèmes similaires de mesure de vitesse des fluides. Ils sont notamment utilisés pour l anémométrie en aéronautique.